Little Bug in his new Rainforest Jumparoo!!! He Loves jumping to the jungle music and hearing the animal sounds in his new toy. It is GREAT exercise for him and we can already see the strength beginning to build in his legs.....You go Connor.....Jump Away!!!!!!!!
Little Bug jumps so hard and fast that sometimes he puts himself right to sleep. Poor Little Bug, I guess it's time to go Night Night!!!!!!!!!
Here is our Little Sweet Pea getting ready to leave for her 1 month doctor check-up!!!! She has her little lips perched just like a baby bird waiting for a worm.....I don't think I'll feed her worms, but maybe it's time for a little snack...Hee Hee!!!
Here's Mackenzie Joy having her first tummy time play with Daddy before he left on his trip. Hurry home Daddy so you can see how strong my head and neck are getting.
Little Sweet Pea nuzzled into Uncle Les last weekend. What a blessing to get snuggles from the family!!!!
Mackenzie Joy all dressed up for the first time in a little denim dress for our first shopping outing with Connor, Mama, Grandma R. and Aunt Kathy. "I'm tired of shopping Mama, I'm gonna take a little rest, but you keep shopping, OK. Don't forget to buy me lots of fun stuff and Connor too!!!" Hee Hee ( I think these kiddo's have Mama wrapped around their little fingers!!)
We have had many busy days since Daddy's been gone. Randy made sure that we were covered with help during his trip so we have had Grandma-Nanny Milliren, Grandma Robertson, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Lynette, Aunt Maureen and Aunt Marsha & Uncle Les, Erica, Carly and Haley all stay with us at different times. We also had visits from Kim and Tracy, long time friends of Lori's who were so thrilled to meet both children. We can't forget Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Norris and Amy & Gary and Linda too. We've had so much fun with all of our family here. Little Bug loves to have all the new faces around him to play with and Mackenzie loves to be snuggled so it has worked out well!!
Connor is completely over his sickness and cold and I (Mama) am feeling back up to speed after my sinus infection. We have enjoyed the sunshine and taken walks in the park and even a shopping trip to North Bend outlet mall.
Connor had an appointment up at Children's Hospital in the ENT clinic and everything looks good in his ear canals and ear drums. He had a little bit of fluid in his ears but Dr. Sie didn't think anything of it after she heard that he had had a big cold for a couple of weeks. We go back in 4 months to have a routine hearing exam and there is no need for concern, everything looks like he will test out just perfect!!! He is having more food go through his feeding tube during the day and he is down to 12 hours of formula at night. We are making slow progress to get food in his tummy, but still no luck getting him to take volumes of food by mouth. Still a prayer request to get that mouth excited about food. While we were at the hospital on Monday we went up to the ICU to visit the nurses and doctors that became our lifeline last year when Connor was in the hospital. They were all delighted to see Little Bug and thrilled to see how well he is doing. Connor made everyone smile with his babbling and his grins!!! It's always exciting for us to say thank you one more time to the large team of people that helped to save his little life!!!!!
Mackenzie is doing better and growing well. Her 1 month appointment was fabulous! She weighed 9 lbs 8.8 ounces so she is growing at a beautiful rate. She is starting to do better at night and we think she's going through a growth spurt because she seems to want to eat all the time the last few days. After talking with our pediatrician, he confirmed that Mackenzie officially has colic. Since she exhibits the same pattern of fussiness each night at the same time, this is the criteria for colic. He mentioned that it should peak around 6 weeks and hopefully by 2-3 month go away all together. So we will hang in there and hope for quick changes in her patterns and pray for sleep to get easier and easier. Randy is going to see such a difference in the kids when he returns. Hopefully we will see him by Friday sometime so we are ready and excited for his return!!!
I want to say Thank you to everyone who helped to make Mackenzie's baby shower a beautiful event on Sunday. We had so much fun and she received all kinds of beautiful gifts. I personally loved to visit with all the family and friends that attended and I loved to watch the excitement of everyone as they held Mackenzie and Connor too. Thanks for the beautiful day!!!!
I must close for now as I hear the Sweet Pea awakening from her nap and Connor beginning to let me know he wants me back to play with him. I hope you enjoy the recent pictures. We will post more when Daddy comes home!!!
Lovebug Hugs,