As you can see our day.....30 March....started out with breakfast in bed for Mommy.....cause it's her birthday....hey I thought only I had birthdays....grownup don't have birthday's do they????
Daddy and I planned a few little suprises for Mommy cause we love her soooo much!!!!!! She got to blow out the candles on her "Cinnabon" some great cards from Daddy and me and the whole family! I got Mommy a "Starbucks card".....I don't really know why? ... its not even a toy!!!!!...but a little card....Oh well... And we sang our "Happy Birthday" song to her too....Daddy played the guitar and I get the drift right? Oh and what came next I really love........
.....Mommy and Daddy doting all over me!!!!!!! They keep telling me to milk it for all its worth cause on Monday..2 Apr 2007 I'm gonna be a big brother!!!!! I don't know what that really means yet....????? but this doting thing better not stop or somebodies gonna be in big doo doo!!!...cause I love all this attention!!!!!....
.......ok so what's a little guy to do when you party so hard....Whew...I'm pooped...this looks like a good spot to take a nap!!!! Mommy I'll say a little prayer for you too Ok cause I know your tummy hurts OK.....
....Oh look Mommy's at it again...more party time. Daddy took Mama out for dinner while Grammy and Gramps played with me and when they got back it was time for the cake and presents....I like this part the best!!!!!!
Mama even let me help blow out "ALL" the candles.....she doesnt' want me to tell you how old she is........girls are funny that way?????
We had a fun day but most of all Me and Daddy just want Mommy to know how much we love her.......Happy Birthday Momma!!!!!!!
Lovebug Hugs and lots of kisses too.....from Me and Daddy!!!!!!