Daddy and Mama are sooooooooooooo proud of Little Bug because today, November 8th 2007, marks a GREAT....HUGE...milestone................What is this milestone you ask???????????
1 Year hospital free!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You see a year ago today Connor was discharged for the last time from Children's Hospital and has not been admitted to the hospital since then. Outside of occasional clinic appointments we have not been back to Children's in all that time. This is such an accomplishment for us and a huge milestone for Connor. As many of you know that have followed the blog for this past year and half, there were times we wondered if we would ever bring Connor home. We looked at the archives of the blog for last year at this time and we couldn't believe what we saw. We saw a puffy-faced little boy who was still medically frail. We both commented on how God shielded our eyes from how bad things were over our times in the hospital. We can truthfully say that Connor is improving day after day and we couldn't be more proud of him. What a beautiful day that we celebrate this incredible accomplishment for Little Bug.
Daddy and Little Bug gazing at the "You are Special" plate that comes out every time we have a special event in our house. If you look close there's even one candle in his Turkey & Rice dinner tonight. We know that there are still challenges ahead of us and many milestones left to conquer, but we are all up for the challenge and we look forward to each day ahead where we make progress for Connor's future!!!
Lovebug Hugs and Happy Anniversary Connor,
We Love You,
Daddy, Mama, Mackenzie and Abbey