Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Pics...

Just a few pics of Easter Egg coloring....Will post more pics soon. We'll be celebrating Easter tomorrow since Randy is home now.

My little funny bunny boy!!! 7 months old today...where does the time go?

Ready for dunkin' Mama!!!

Connor was not particularly into Easter Egg coloring this year. He was awfully tired, and I realized yesterday that he has 1 new little spot that the doctor thinks could be MRSA again. We're treating it with topical cream this time and it looks much better today.

Our little barefoot princess....Looking at all the colors....
Mackenzie turned 2 on April 2nd. It was her golden birthday because she turned 2 on the 2nd. We celebrated with a Mickey Mouse party and took her to Charlie's Safari....Just Daddy, Mama and Kinzie. I'll post pictures soon.

Who's the fairest bunny of them all....ME!!!!

Lovebug Hugs,


Sky said...

Lori the kids are getting so BIG!!! and Mackenzie is simply beautiful!!! Connor your looking a little sleepy, but your still as cute as a bug!!! Happy Easter and Happy 2nd Birthday!!!!! hugs Sheila and Sky

Milliren 5 said...

Very cute kids and pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us. I hope that Connor gets to feeling better soon. Please give them each a big hug from Auntie Heather.

Hope to see you soon!

Heather Bennett said...

Wonderful pics! I was so busy getting ready for my little trip, that I didn't see these until just now. As I look at these, I can't believe that just 2 days ago I was hugging and kissing your little ones. Aren't they so precious! What a blessing that was. AND YOU!!! You were a blesisng to me. Thanks so much for letting me join in your "life in the day of the Robertsons". :) LOVE YOU ALL!