It is definitely getting more and more difficult to keep up on daily blogging while we are here in the surgical unit. I know you are all anxious for updates on Little Bug and, believe me, I am anxious to give them, but for the moment it has been really hard to find time to get away from his room and from the various consultations we have. Bear with me as I find a balance in getting everything done in a timely manner.
The beginning of this week brought yet another challenge. Connor began pooping with great furry and it was and still is filled with blood. Yes, this is very concerning to us, but the docs seem to think that he could have a little ficher (sp?) on the upper part of his little bottom or that he could possibly be allergic to milk proteins. We are watching it carefully and they have asked me to give up dairy and soy just in case it is a milk allergy. I am finding it hard to believe that this would be the case after this much time on breast milk, but I have conceded to the possibility and have given up dairy for the time being. As we test his poops they are all coming up positive for blood. They say this could last up to two weeks or so. Yikes, if it isn’t one thing it’s ten!!!
Another issue of particular concern is his weight gain problems. He is still hovering at a very low weight; 9 lbs 10.7 ounces. We are trying desperately to get him to his goal calories, which is 30 and to begin increasing his volume slowly. He just doesn’t seem to be responding to these increases with any gaining. Uuugghhh, this is very frustrating for us. We realize that each day that goes by and he doesn’t gain weight means another day further away from his heart surgery. We asked the doctors on Monday to put together what they call a Care Conference. This is where all of his doctors from the different departments all sit down and put their heads together with us and we put a plan together for Connor. We have some very specific concerns that must be addressed and we are praying that Friday will be the day to finally get some answers. We haven’t demand much from the docs, but it is coming down to brass tacks for us and we need to know what the plan for his heart repair is. The meeting will be held on Friday at 2pm. Please pray that all goes well, and that all of our concerns and questions are addressed.
Over the past days and weeks Little Bug has continued to have the little eye darting episodes that they once thought were seizure activity and he has started shaking his head when it is turned in a particular manner. Yesterday they had the Neurologist come and consult on these issues and it was quite informative. They don’t seem to be concerned at all about the shaking because it seems to be consistent with Connor finally starting to us some of his neck muscles and the shaking is more than likely a muscle spasm. The eye darting might be more of an immaturity issue and a developmental concern rather than seizures. The Neurologist was concerned about his growth issues and about his lack of weight gain in regards to his brain development. Connor had a difficult time performing the tasks that the doc expected him to be able to do. The doctor decided to refer us to an ophthamolic neurologist to come and do an assessment. Believe me, my heart is screaming out, “What’s next Lord?????” In Connor’s defense, I just wish that this whole hospital community could give him the benefit of the doubt for once. For crying out loud he has been laying flat on his back for months. He has been extremely ill, and he has been sedated so much of the time, no wonder he is behind. Forgive my angst. I’m just frustrated and I want so desperately to protect my son from the judgments of others. On the other hand I don’t want to put my head in the sand and not address the reality of what we are dealing with, but there has got to be a balance. Lord, please help us see your will and your way in all of this. We so desperately need some encouragement. Please provide a fresh wind of hope for us!!!!
We were blessed with lots of great visits over the weekend and so far this week has been busy with lots of friends. Grandpa and Grandma M. stopped by on Saturday and we all went out to lunch together. It was nice to have a volunteer stop by and watch Connor so we could get out for a while. Boy, I can’t wait until Connor is well enough to join us on all our ventures out of this hospital. We also got to visit with hospital pals John and Susan and little Brent as they are back here at the hospital with Brent. He is here fighting off some infectious processes and some low counts due to his chemo. Continue to pray that little Brent can fight his way back to better health soon. Daddy got back to us on Sunday and stayed until Tuesday morning when he had to leave to go back down to Tacoma and do some work at the Base. We love it when daddy is here with us to make us laugh and keep us company. While Randy was here Little Bug underwent another upper GI to see why his GJ tube was clogging so much. When the test was done the tube was working perfectly and they couldn’t see any problems.
Tuesday morning we enjoyed a short visit from hospital pal Susie (Maggie’s mom) as they were here for their cardiac clinic visit. Little Maggie is doing well, but she also needs to gain weight. Continue to pray that these little kiddo’s can start to pack on the pounds. By the way Susie, the “Bug Frame” is just perfect, Thanks!!!
Today was an absolute whirlwind!!! Our morning started out early as Connor didn’t sleep so well, and then we were visited by Auntie Jacqueline, Austin & Dallas. We hadn’t seen them in a while so it was fabulous to get a quick visit before they headed out to the Governor’s Mansion. We can’t wait to see you on your return trip back up North. Auntie Maureen showed up at the same time so we had quite a room full. Boy we like to party around here. Before Auntie Maureen had to leave we heard an announcement in the room that the Mariner’s were going to be in the Playroom and all were invited to come and see them. Maureen said, “Hey, do you think we should go down and let Little Bug meet those Mariner’s?” It didn’t take me long to get Connor unhooked from all his cords and pumps and we were on our way!! Connor got a little Mariner duffle bag with the Mariner Moose stuffed toy and a baseball that we had signed by one of the managers and by the pitcher. We got lots of pictures and there was a lot of hubbub in the air. I will post pictures tomorrow of our fun day.
Immediately after returning from the playroom we were visited by yet another special friend. Walt and Alvina from Dryden, WA came across the pass to meet Little Bug. We had so much fun visiting and catching up while Alvina snuggled with Connor. Thanks for the great baseball outfit for Connor and the Starbursts bag has already been opened. Thanks for the treats.
Grandma M. showed up right after that for an afternoon visit. Whew, we are popular today!!! It’s always so nice to have lots of love to get us through our long days. Thanks Mom, for coming and being an encouragement to me and as you say, “An infusion of hope!” We were also visited by my cousin Tony. WOW, what a day. Thank you one and all for a great day!!!!
Tomorrow should be a little mellower with a consult from the Ophthalmology department and a visit from Aunt Kathy. She wanted to come down and stay the night so that we could get a good night sleep. Thanks Kathy, I can’t wait to see you. Thanks Dad and Mom R. for watching Abbey this week too. We are so overwhelmed with blessings of how everyone is jumping in to help us with maintaining life. We are forever grateful for so much love and support.
Well, I am off to bed now. I will post again tomorrow with pictures of the last few days.
All our Lovebug Hugs,
You are a wonderful Mom! Of course you want to defend your little guy! Way to Go! We will be continually praying and especially praying for your meeting this Friday with the team of doctors. We pray for God's favor and a clear perfect plan for Connor. Lord, I thank you that Connor is in your hands. Jesus, please intervene on Connor's behalf and give the doctors clear direction on how to care for this precious bug. Jesus thank you for your faithfulness to us all!!!
Sue & family
Randy, Lori and Connor~
We are praying for the Care Team meeting tomorrow at 2 PM. Please let us know what becomes of it. When you can, of course!
How fun to have Connor travel to the playroom to meet the Mariner Moose, etc. Lori, this is a BIG deal as Connor hasn't left ICU or the surgical floor. What to go Little Bug!
We are praying for abundant strength for the three of you. And, for wisdom that the medical personnel can figure out what is going on with Little Bug. We are also praying for some very good news for you today. Wouldn't that be nice?!
We love you,
Auntie Heather, Uncle Bryan, Olivia, Brayden and Bergen Luke
Randy, Lori and Connor~
We are praying for the Care Team meeting tomorrow at 2 PM. Please let us know what becomes of it. When you can, of course!
How fun to have Connor travel to the playroom to meet the Mariner Moose, etc. Lori, this is a BIG deal as Connor hasn't left ICU or the surgical floor. What to go Little Bug!
We are praying for abundant strength for the three of you. And, for wisdom that the medical personnel can figure out what is going on with Little Bug. We are also praying for some very good news for you today. Wouldn't that be nice?!
We love you,
Auntie Heather, Uncle Bryan, Olivia, Brayden and Bergen Luke
Hi Lori, I just wanted to let you know that I recieved a postcard from Beijing China, The owners of New World Missions, where we have our sponsor child, have been praying for Connor. They are based in Haiti, but were visiting China & sent a postcard inquiring about Connor & sending their prayers! Little Bug is being prayed for all over the world!! Just want you to know that you are in our thoughts every single day....Love always, Venecca
I am so happy connor is out of the ICU!!! Hope her starts gaining weight soon! Izabell is slowly starting to gain she is 10lb 9 oz now. She did manage to pull her ng tube out last night, we cam to the er and i put it in there, i was to afriad to do it at home, next time I'l do it here. She gets breastmilk friday and I am praying that helps reduce some of her reflex and she will be able to eat more volume and get rid of the ng tube altogether. Congrats on Connors improvements ! He is such a strong fighter!!!!!!!!!!!!! Izabell had her shots today so we are on house arrest for two more weeks maybe after that we will be able to visit!!!!!!!
wyndi steven and Izabell
Sorry to hear about the latest developments with the blood in the stool...praying for answers with that...praying he'll start to gain weight...and praying you all can go home before too long!
Just want you to know we are praying for divine wisdom for the doctor's tomorrow in how to proceed in helping Little Connor. We love him so much, please whisper that in his ear!! Give him lot's of hugs & Kisses from his Auntie!
By the way Jake came down with a mild case of chicken pox last Tuesday so that put a kink in any plans of me coming down this week! I had high hopes but as all of us mother's know we can plan & plan well but things don't alway's work out! I want to come soon but will have to wait until I know he's totally over them. Luckily it is a very mild case (he had the vaccine) so it shouldn't last as long as normal.
Anyway, we will be in prayer & will wait to hear what the doc's decide. So glad to hear you are being a total advocate for Connor, putting your foot down on things. Way to go Lori!
Lovebug hugs & hoping you get a great nights rest, Teresa
Lori and Randy
We will be praying for tomarrow at 2:00. I am glad to hear that you guys are demanding a conference about Connor's treatment plan. I think you are right about his development of muscles and maturity. How can those things be developed when he does not get the opportunity. I encourage you to listen to your "motherly instinct" and yet you have such great balance to the whole picture as well. We will continue to pray for wisdom and strength for you and Randy. You guys are awesome!
We hope and pray that there was some great outcome and answers from the meeting today. Dear God plaese give Randy and Lori all the strength to with hold all the info.and processing that needs to go through their minds. Overwhelm their minds with your peace.
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