It was just one year ago today that Little Bug fought the fight of his life. He went into the operating room for the 5th time and had Open Heart Surgery. We cried and we waited and we prayed with all of you for a miracle to transform in Little Bug's heart.
This was Connor when he returned from the operating room. We had received the news from the surgeon that the surgery went better than expected, "Beyond his wildest dreams" was what was said about the surgery. Connor had a long road to recovery, but a year later......
He is a happy little boy who just loves life with all of his being!!!! We are so proud of you Little Bug!!! We love you with all our hearts and we Celebrate "YOU" today.
Whenever something special happens in our home, that person receives the You are Special plate. Today that plate is entitled to Little Bug. It doesn't have the usual flatware that we use at meal times. It is tailor made for Connor. Syringes, feeding tube and baby food. Our prayer is that on Connor's 2nd anniversary of his Heart Repair we will see a fork and spoon and food he can eat by mouth. That is our biggest prayer right now for Connor. He's come so far, we know he will go the rest of the way.
Just to think, last year he couldn't really "do" anything because he was so sick and because he was hospitalized with a breathing tube. But now he is rolling all over, sitting up, laughing, babbling, playing happily, jumping in his jumperoo, gaining strength everyday, and off his feeding tube expect at nighttime and mealtime. We have come a long way.....ALL OF US!!!!!!
And now our happiest times are usually found in the bathtub......
Here's Little Bug in the tub and he just found a friend in his reflection.... Hee Hee Hee (Thanks Morgan for your inspiration to get a picture like this of Little Bug!!!)
A year ago we were apprehensive, worried, sad, yet trusting the Lord for a miracle. Today we are happy, expectant, content and trusting the Lord for each new milestone for Connor!!!!!
Lovebug Hugs,
Randy, Lori, Little Bug and Sweet Pea
Happy Heart Birthday Connor!!! You have come so far little boy!!! And we are all so very proud of you, just look at you, your a regular big kid!!!! Love Ya so MUCH Shiela, Keith, Skylar, Moni and Chan
Beautiful, just beautiful. We are so happy for you. It is such a shock to see the hospital pictures now after Bug has come so far!
Blessings, Susan and gang
I remember this day so clearly. The wait, the praying, the wonderful joyous news. But mostly I remember the honor I felt when you graced me with the chance to see Connor when all was said. Tears fill my eyes to this moment. I'm so proud of you Little Bug. Congrats and thank you for making it to this point. You are an inspiration :)
W/L, Tiff
STONE lives in us all
yeah!! connor we are so proud of you and your family! you are a strong little bug and have so many extra hearts loving you
wyndi steven and Izzy
Hi Mr. Connor-man,
I am so glad that you are doing well. Do you like your yummy food? I love the pic of you in the bathtub!
Shannon in Austin
Praise the Lord! Thank you Connor for never giving up the fight for life! You are such a blessing to our family and such a testiment..amazing what a baby can do for this world! We love you so much Little Bug.
Auntie Maureen
PS Hugs and Kisses to you little man and share some with your little sister!
When I saw the first picture on this latest entry I panicked...then I realized it was a picture from last year! heart almost jumped out of my chest. We are so happy to see Connor doing so well. Isn't the reflection in the tub the best? Morgan loves watching herself. Ladybug hugs Connor!!!
Awesome news. I enjoy reading your blog and of course the pics too. Keep it up.
Pat Pat(crazy lady at the doc dog event)
Happy Heart day my friend. I enjoy reading your Mom's blog of your life adventure. Keep doing cool stuff, so she will take more pics and post em for us to enjoy. Tell you sisters (abbie too) I said hello too. You make my heart smile!
Pat Pat(crazy lady at the dock dog event.
It's amazing the difference a year makes! Whooooo hoooooo Connor - I am sooo happy to read this post and see your smiling healthy, happy face! I have followed your journey for a long time, and prayed for your strength and I know that God answers prayers! Connor is evidence of that :) He is indeed a wonderful, amazing, miracle baby and we celebrate this day with you!!!
If we needed something to praise God for, we only had to look at the pictures of Connor a year ago and today. What a blessing and how grateful we all are to God for his wonderful healing power. How that little guy has touched so many lives! Now we wait expectantly to see what growth and progress the next year brings. Love, Jo Ann & Rip
Wow! I can't believe it has been a year. Look at him! He is beautiful. He looks so great. God is so faithful. We will pray for more daily miracles for Connor that he surpasses all expectations that anyone could ever hope for.
Love you guys,
I'm so glad he's not there anymore... He looks so good and healthy!!! I'm proud of you Connor!!! Love, Mel
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