Please pray for mama today. I am exhausted!!! Only about 2 hours of sleep, and even that was interrupted. I really don't even have the presence of mind to be writting right now, butI knew I needed to at least ask for prayer. My mom is coming today to sit with Connor. I was supposed to go home and get some things and do the mail, etc...But, I may end up go out to the trailer to sleep. I'm literally dizzy from not getting rest.
Connor had a fairly good night with only one episode, so they gave him morphine and adovan and changed his iv line and he finally slept from 4:00am until now. I can't go into the details of why there is no rest, so just pray that things can level out around here so that this is not a continuous battle. I am weary and my eyes are heavy. Thanks for your prayers!!!
Lovebug hugs,
I went to bed last night and woke this morning concerned about your ability to get enough sleep in Connor's room. Hospitals are the worst places for getting any rest at all!
I am praying for your rest and also for a relief plan. I know that the mama's spirit is willing, the the flesh is weak when it comes to pulling 24/7 in a hospital room.
Here is a verse that should be over the entry to the baby unit at the hospital.
"Listen, I tell you my mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed." I Corinthians 15:51
Remember that as your weary eyes are changing that little bug's bottom!
Love you sister,
I haven't been able to communicate much over the last couple weeks. Busy, busy busy. But I have been checking on you. However, the last couple days, we have been out of town and couldn't get to the blog to check on you all. I am so happy to hear that Connor is doing well enough to graduate out of ICU. Hurray!!! However, with that comes some sleepless days and nights for Mama. You are in my heart and mind and prayers so often... constantly in fact. Today's prayers will be for super efficient sleepful moments. :) Take advantage of the moments you have to sleep and DO IT. Even if it is a 5 minute power nap. DO IT! God can stretch those 5 minutes into the value of hours worth of sleep. If he can miraculously feed more than 5,000 on 5 loaves and 2 fishes, he can give you a full nights worth of rest in a few moments. Lean on Him. He will give you rest. All day long, you will be in my prayers. So glad your mom will be there with you today to help out. Aren't mom's great! Give her love for me.
You take care of you.
Connor, you keep getting stronger. Get good rest today so Mommy can sleep a bit. OK? Love you bunches little bug.
Auntie Heather (#2)
Lori....remember what I said before I left on this must find a time and place to rest. Connor needs Mommy to be strong for him and to do that you need to take care of yourself too...I'm praying that God will grant you "peaceful rest"....remember do not let your heart be troubled..OK
I love you Honey and I'll be home soon so you can rest oK
Love from your deeply concernd husband....Randy oxoxoxox
You are a great Mama, So devoted to your son. I will be praying that God gives you peace & deep sleep while you rest. take FULL advantage of your Mom's help. She is so sweet & Love's you & want's to help! Let her!!
(I can totally relate to sleep because I need A lot!!!)
Love & God's peace to you.
Hey little lovebug,
So glad you graduated out of ICU. That is great progress! Go easy on Mama while daddy is gone. By the way you are soooo adorable in all your pic's. Love your 3 day old one! Way to go daddy, getting in on all this blogging!
All our love, Teresa
Oh Lori,
Please listen to your husband and hit the trailer to catch some zzzz's. Randy is so right that you need to be strong for Connor. I am glad that Mom can be there today to take care of Connor for you. She certainly has a special touch with her grandchildren. We would also be more than willing to come down and give you a chance to rest or even go to your house to take care of your tasks. Just give us a ring--please!
We love you!
Auntie Heather & Company
P.S. Be encouraged by the following verse from 2 Kings 20:5 . . ."This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you" . . . And, this is what we are praying for our Little Bug Connor. Big lovebug hugs to the four of you today--Mom included, of course!
Lori - Everyday Barry & I check the blog & pray for your special requests- just want you to know that all of your family are behind you, Conner & Randy in prayer. Love & Hugs, Uncle Aubrey & Aunt Darlene
Please do not worry about going home and getting all the stuff done that needs to be done. THE MOST IMPORTANT thing right now is sleep for YOU! GO take a LONG nap in the trailer and let your mom be grandma. WHen you are well rested you will be able to think clearer, make decisions better and have a better perspective. I can not imagine all that you must be feeling and thinking but the best gift you can give to Connor right now is "Mammas sleep" You can not afford to end up sick. You are doing such a wonderful job, we will pray for you specifically today!
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